Who influenced you?

Stækkaðu framtíðina is seeking a diverse group of volunteers to inspire a diverse group of students.

Some youngsters need role models with similar backgrounds, perhaps from their local community, or sharing the same ethnicity or gender. Others need to meet someone working in a field they never knew existed or that perfectly aligns with their own passions.

Different perspectives on education and careers will always inspire young people, broaden their horizons, and ignite their excitement for the future.

Do you have an hour to inspire the future?

Signing up is easy! Using innovative technology, we connect you with schools in your area or beyond. Our volunteers come from all walks of life—from pilots to programmers, singers to builders—ready to share their experiences with young people.

We’re looking for diverse individuals with varied backgrounds who can give just one hour a year, whether in person or online. You choose the age group, and a teacher will support you in planning the visit. If you have more time, you can also offer mentoring or internships.

You decide how many visits you take on, and they can be in-person or virtual. Get involved and be an inspiration for the next generation!

Be the role model you wish you had

Sharing your experiences with young people is both enjoyable and fulfilling. It enhances your communication skills, increases job satisfaction, and offers a new perspective on your own career. By sharing your journey, you highlight the importance of education and help the next generation find their way.

You can have a significant impact, whether you share your educational and career path in person or online. Young people often have a limited view of their opportunities, and their role models are shaped early on. You can help them break down stereotypes and broaden their horizons.

It’s a privilege to have diverse role models, and we are committed to ensuring that every child in Iceland has access to this privilege.


Ingvar Örn Gíslason


Vilmundur Torfi Kristinsson

Húsasmiður og vélaverkfræðingur

Ingibjörg Fríða Helgadóttir

Söngkona og BA í skapandi tónlistarmiðlun við LHÍ

Heiðdís Inga Hilmarsdóttir

Verkefnastjóri sjálfbærnimála hjá Krónunni

Guðmundur Óskar Helgason


Sævar Helgi Bragason

Vísindamiðlari, dagskrárgerðarmaður og rithöfundur

Sandra Ósk Snæbjörnsdóttir

Yfirvísindakona hjá Carbfix.

Ásmundur Einar Daðason

BSc í búfræði og mennta- og barnamálaráðherra

Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir

Lögfræðingur og háskóla-, iðnaðar- og nýsköpunarráðherra

Guðmundur Fertram Sigurjónsson

Forstjóri og stofnandi Kerecis

Dr Bryony Anneke Mathew

Sendiherra Bretlands á Íslandi og barnabókahöfundur

Jón Atli Benediktsson

Rektor Háskóla Íslands og prófessor í rafmagns- og tölvuverkfræði við HÍ.

Kristinn Steinar Kristinsson

Engineering Manager for Blockchain and Infrastructure hjá CCP

Ásta Sóllilja Guðmundsdóttir

Framkvæmdastjóri KLAK-Icelandic Startups

Fida Abu Libdeh

Framkvæmdastjóri GeoSilica Iceland

Tryggvi Hjaltason

Greinandi hjá CCP

Volunteers from the Workforce Report Positive Impact on Well-Being and Job Satisfaction

Gender Differences Among Children and Adolescents Stand Out in Educational and Career Choices

Why Early Career Education Matters in Primary Schools

Students Who Participate in Career Talks Are Motivated to Study Harder

New Platform and Website for Stækkaðu framtíðina Launched!

Spring School Visits