Our goals

Stækkaðu framtíðina (Inspiring the future) shines a light on the opportunities of tomorrow, inspiring children and young people to follow their interests and strengths. By connecting a diverse range of volunteers from the workforce with classrooms, students hear how education and career paths have shaped their lives.

We want students to see the possibilities the future holds, to become more engaged in their studies, and to find greater purpose in what they are learning.

Our goals

The goal of the initiative is to ensure that all children and young people have equal opportunities to develop and fully realise their potential.

This means that every child and young person in Iceland will:

  • Have equal access to a wide range of education and careers that match their interests and strengths.
  • See the opportunities that await them in the future, regardless of their background or location.
  • Be introduced to different careers and hear real-life stories from professionals in various fields.
  • Develop a greater interest in their studies and understand the clear purpose it serves in relation to their future prospects.

In this way, we help each individual build a bright future on their own terms.

International context

Stækkaðu framtíðina

is built on international standards and is inspired by the success of the UK initiative Inspiring the Future, which has been adopted in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, and Switzerland. Its aim is to connect students with professionals from a wide range of industries and bridge the gap between education and the job market.

The programme gives young people equal opportunities to explore diverse career paths, regardless of their background or location. With its global perspective, it breaks down stereotypes, improves educational outcomes, and opens up new future possibilities.

NýMennt (Innovation and Education Community at the University of Iceland’s School of Education) oversees the project in Iceland. It was launched by the Ministry of Higher Education, Industry and Innovation in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Children